I spent the weekend in my garden, and want to update with a few photos. I woke up very early, before the heat, and spotted a few balloons floating above. You can see the Rockie Mountains in the background.
This one was above my neighbor's house. If you live in my area of Albuquerque, you see these daily.
I also promised a picture of my neighbor's sedum lawn when it turned green. The hill part of the lawn is made up of the ground cover. Doesn't it look great, it can stand the heat, and you don't have to mow!!!
Here is a photo of my ground cover transplants. All the pots came from the largest pot. Soon all the pots will be full and ready for the lawn.
My large yellow rose bush is still mostly buds, and it's after Mother's Day...it's a late bloomer.
And, the last mystery rose has opened...it's red. I wanted a white...I guess I be planting roses soon.
I started to plant my annual pots, and picked up a flat of purple trailing lobelia at Lowes. These do really well at high altitude, and bloom all summer.
Just a little update,
Monday, May 18, 2009
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I love your neighbor's sedum. There is a house at the lake that is surrounded by groundcover and I am wondering if it is sedum. I will have to take a picture because it is very cool.
Lobelia is one of my favorite's and I put it in almost every pot of flowers. It really looks good with pale pink flowers!
The balloons are fantastic!!
Ooh, I'll have to pick up some lobelia for our yard. It looks so fresh in that purple color!
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