Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Why Start a Blog?

I recently lost my job with a national company that was having problems, and as a result I sold my house and down-sized. Yes I actually sold my house in this economy, and I attribute it to how it was favorite past-time. Actually, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. My 2 kids a are grown, so my husband and I could do with a smaller house. We live in Albuquerque, at the base of the Rocky Mountains in the high altitude, and found a 10 year-old track house ready for transformation.

I want to invite you to come along with me while I try to accomplish it! Hopefully I can do it with things I already have...but I'm going to hit the thrift stores, estate sales and flea markets too. Whatever it takes to do it within a budget, but with the beautiful things I love! I hope I can do it!

I have a great collection of silver, linens, glass and ceramics, and I am hoping to use them, instead of keeping them up on their shelf! During my scouting maybe I can add to those collections. I love several decorating styles...Tuscan-French-Mediterranean is a big one. But I passionately love "White Romantic" rooms too! And of course I am in the Southwest, so there is a bit of that!

Hopefully I can show you what a great place Albuquerque is! It's on route It's historic with lots of cool collectibles. Baking and gardening are a challenge because of the altitude, but are easy to conquer! And the food...well, the food! I'll just have to share some recipes with you! Along the way, maybe will take some side trips to Santa Fe or Taos...looking for decor!

I have lots of other blogs I follow, and they all have great ideas. I'll share those with you as we go along!

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

NikonSniper said...

wow, very cool photography.


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