Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring Flowers

In an effort to be thrifty in this economy, I have decided to buy un-opened daffodil buds at Trader Joes, for 1.29 a dozen instead of full blown Easter bouquets, something I spend money on every year. I am using my own beautiful vases & 10 dollars worth of flowers, a 4th of what I have spent in the past. Here’s what they look like when you purchase them.

The instructions say to just pop them in water and watch them open. I’ll show you another picture at the end of the week. It should be fun! I really want to re-do this house without spending a fortune. I just have to work harder at it. In case anyone’s wondering, Trader Joe’s is a very cool grocery store out of California that sells world famous $2-Buck Chuck Wine, organic produce and beautiful flowers. I will take a field trip there and report with some great photos!

In honor of the daffidol's I am going to use my beautiful silver gravey ladle decorated with one. Isn't it grand! When I use it I find myself staring at it, instead of serving with it! When I found this gem, it said "take me home" even though it was completely tarnished. I think I paid 1.49 for it at the Albuquerque flea market.

I am starting my Easter decorating, a little late this year because of the move...here is my silver bride's basket filled with eggs I got at Micheal's with my 40% off coupon! HOORAY...MORE SAVINGS!

Easter is almost here! I make sure to post a picture of my table setting later in the week.


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