Friday, April 10, 2009

My Love Affair With Roses

My last home had 23 rose bushes, most of them from Jackson and Perkins. They were beautiful! This new home has 3, so I am going to have to create a new
rose garden. I took this photo at the Belagio in Las Vegas..they have a great greenhouse.

My dream garden would include a raised vegetable bed 'cause I love home grown tomatoes...and really any kind of vegetable.

...and a shade garden for impatiens and tender flowers. We are at such a high altitude, that the sun burns most blooms and dehydrates everything in site.

Fortunately roses, love the sun and do really well here. The soil is a little alkaline so you have to add lots of stuff to correct it. Every Spring I add cow manure and 1/2 cup epsom salt. During the growing season I put chopped bannana peels, egg shells and coffee grounds on them, and once a month a scoop of Miracle Grow.

This is my white rose "Iceberg." It was the only white rose I have found that does not fade with the harsh sun! This was usually covered in blooms from Spring to Fall. Behind it is a pink tea can see how much better the Iceberg did. It's a floribunda and they do better in our conditions.

Planting usually starts after Easter...I'll be dreaming of my rose projects all weekend.


1 comment:

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Gorgeous pics! Wish I had enough sun in my backyard for a veggie garden...I love home grown tomatoes, too! :-) Susan


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