Monday, April 13, 2009

My Fellow Bloggers!

Long before I started my blog, I read many of the ones out there to get ideas about decorating, collecting, etc. I have many favorites and as I am posting, I will share there links with you.

You should see some of the creative people out in the blog-o-sphere! They are creating, beautiful, amazing, creative things. When I am having a no-inspiration day, I visit one, and say to myself "I never thought of that." I lived on the state border between Georgia and South Carolina for 7 years while I went to school at the University of South Carolina. Because of that experience I just can't resist blogs from that area! They take me back now that I am a Western girl again!

I spent a couple of my grade school years in California, so blogs there have a special place in my heart and trigger all my old memories. Hopefully my blog about the High Desert...Rocky Mountain...High Altitude Albuquerque will trigger memories for readers about when they came here! I've already heard from a few of you!


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